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If you think one of the mock exam questions is incorrect, ambigious, etc it is easier to submit the problem from within the mock exam itself by pressing on the email icon. This will copy the problem number into the subject field.

I receive lots of emails about this mock exam and give preference to the ones that describe a problem. Unfortunately I get too many emails like this:
  • "this question is wrong!"
  • "please explain"
  • "dude u rul3! plez h3lp me with mr qsts."
  • urgent.taking exam tomorrow!!!!! need help!
  • will you tuck me in tonight?
OK the last example I've never received, but you'd be suprised at the sort of questions I get asked.
Needless to say I ignore these sort of requests. If you have a real question and want me to take the time to answer it, please take the time to express yourself clearly.

Please fill out all of the fields below
email address:
Make sure your email address is correct or you will not receive a reply.
number of question:
If you believe one of the questions is incorrect please tell me the question number, otherwise I will not answer the question.
Please describe why you think the question is wrong.

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Copyright 1999-2001 Chris Grindstaff. All rights reserved.